New York City Pigeon Rescue Central
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Legal information

Can you really get a fine for that?

Browse below for the facts on what you can and can't do...

Statute Used to Evict Tenants with pigeons
New York Enviromental Conservation Law
Feeding pigeons in New York CIty Parks
Last Updated: Aug 1st, 2005


Statute Used to Evict Tenants with pigeons

Chapter 713 of the Laws of 1929, as amended Article 2 - Miscellaneous Application Provisions Sec. 12. Prohibited uses.

It shall be unlawful to keep any horse, cow, calf, swine, rabbit, sheep, goat, chicken or duck, or any pigeon except Antwerp or homing pigeons, in or on any multiple dwelling or on the lot or premises thereof unless permitted by and in accordance with local law or regulation.

NY CLS ECL § 11-0513 (2000)

§ 11-0513. PIGEONS

1. No person shall at any time, by any means or in any manner capture, kill or attempt to capture or kill any Antwerp or homing pigeon, wearing a ring or seamless leg band with its registered number stamped thereon; nor shall any person remove such mark. No person except the lawful owner shall detain, possess, or transport Antwerp or homing pigeons wearing a ring or seamless leg band with the registered number thereon.

2. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the local legislative body of any city, town or village, or in the city of New York the Department of Health may take or issue a permit to any person to take pigeons at any time and in any humane manner in such municipality, whenever such body or administration finds that pigeons within such municipality are or may become a menace to public health or a public nuisance; provided, however, that no pigeon may be taken in a manner which will endanger other animal life, persons or property.

(Effective 1972, amended 1978.)

Animal Welfare Acts, as set forth by the USDA can be found at:

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Parks Department - Is it legal to feed pigeons in NYC Parks?

Title 56. Department of Parks and Recreation
Chapter 1. Use of Park § 1-04 (g). Prohibited Uses (involving animals)

No person shall feed animals in any park (including any zoo area) except unconfined squirrels and birds, and where specifically authorized by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may also designate certain areas where all feeding of animals is prohibited. It shall be a violation of these rules to feed animals in any area where such feeding is prohibited.

Since pigeons are undeniably "unconfined birds", this should mean that it is your right to feed pigeons in New York City parks unless it is posted otherwise for a specific area.

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New York City Pigeon Rescue Central